It's important to understand where all of the dollar amounts are calculated from with your weekly invoice. There are multiple sources for cost of goods and freight that go into calculating these numbers. Use this document as a reference to determine where you can find the backup data for what you are being invoiced for.
Revenue and Cost of Goods
There are two methods to find the revenue and cost of goods for the previous week. Each method has their own advantages. Vibe gives more transparency into where products come from and goes into more detail regarding the customer. Sales-i is a good resource for a quick view of cost and revenue for each customer in a given time frame. See below for how to analyze the data using each source:
- Log in to Vibe
- Navigate to Reports > AR > AR17.2D - Invoice Register - Detail (Internal)
- Set your From Date to the Monday of the invoice period you are inquiring and the To Date to the Friday of the date range
- Set the Company Location to your franchise location
- Change the Post Status to posted only (IQ only charges you for goods that have been sent to your customer which would be posted invoices)
- Select your preferred document type. For this type of report an Excel or CSV document typically work the best
- Click Generate
- Open the Report in Excel or your PDF viewer
- Not all columns contain relevant information. Here are the most important columns of this report:
- Column A - InvoiceNo - This column is the invoice number generated from Vibe. You can use this number to open the invoice in Vibe for more information that is not generated in this report
- Column B - InvoiceDate - This is the date that the invoice posted. This date will fall within the range of your weekly invoice and only include invoices during the time frame specified during step 3.
- Column F - OrderTaker - If an invoice or order was entered manually and was not placed on our website, this column will notate who placed the order. This is the login credentials. Use this as a reference if you think an order may have been entered incorrectly and who to contact.
- Column G - DocumentType - This column notates the method that the invoice was entered into Vibe: Webstore Order (WOInvoice), Manual Order Entry in Vibe (OEInvoice), Manual Invoice Entry in Vibe (INInvoice) or Returns and Adjustments (Return; AdjustedInvoice; OffsetInvoice: CreditMemo)
- Column O - CustomerName - This notates which of your customers this order was billed against.
- Column P - RouteCode - This specified what method of shipping was used for the order (Drop Ship, Wrap and Label, or Delivery Pro)
- Column R - SubTotal - The total of the invoice before tax and surcharges are assessed
- Column X - VendorName - The location where the product was sent from. The most common uses of this field are Warehouse, SP Richards or Essendant.
- Column Z - APVendorName - The name of the vendor where the item originated from. This varies from the vendor that may have filled the item. For example, our bucket wipes (SCSANWIPES) originate from Sun Coast Resources which would be the APVendorName.
- Column AA - ProductID - The unique product ID that represents the item that the customer has purchased
- Column AC - Quantity - The number of a specific item that a customer was invoiced. This number may vary from the order quantity if there were separate shipments or a backorder. This number reflects what the customer received and is responsible for paying for.
- Column AD - Price - The price per each unit that the customer is being charged
- Column AE - ExtendedPrice - The line total for the item purchased (price X quantity)
- Column AF - Cost - The invoiced cost for the product that your customer had purchased. This is the value that determines what you are charged for the cost of your customers orders. It's important that this number is recorded correctly. Any deviated cost that you may receive from wholesalers or concessions must be accounted for here.
- Column AG - ExtendedCost - The line total for the cost of the item purchased (cost X quantity)
- Column AI - Description - A brief description of the item purchased
- Column AJ - Margin - The margin dollar amount for the line item (extended price - extended cost)
- Column AK - MarginPercentage - The margin percentage represented as a whole number for the line item (margin / extended price)
- Log in to Sales-i
- Go to Enquiries
- Set your date range to match the invoice period from your franchise weekly invoice
- Select Parent Account as your first drill
- Select a customer you'd like more detail on
- Select InvoiceNo as the second drill
- A list of all invoices for the customer will display with cost of goods sold and revenue
Wholesaler Freight
- SP Richards
- Log in to Dealer Services
- Select "Order Processing & Returns"
- From the Process Customers Sales Order drop down, select View Sales Order History (PO Confirmation)
- Enter the Search Criteria in the fields provided
- Select the PT (Pick Ticket) of the order that matches your search criteria
- In the upper-right hand corner you will see a breakdown of charges. The freight Charges will be listed on one line
- Essendant
- Log in to Empower Central
- From the Order & Invoices drop down menu, select Invoices and Purchases History
- Change the search method to PO and enter the customer order number in the search field
- Select the correct invoice number for more details
- The freight charge will displayed in the upper-right corner of this page
- Contact our Customer Success team who will provide more information on UPS shipment costs
- Contact our Customer Success team who will provide more information on UPS shipment costs
Other Fees
- Credit Card Fees
- Contact our accounting department for a list of invoices that credit card payment was used
- Misc. Charges
- Any freight charges that may have been associated with an invoice that was not logged in Vibe will display here (inventory purchases from SP Richards)
- Contact the accounting department for more information