Our cost analysis analyzes our prospects spend to make sure we are aligned with the opportunities expectations from a pricing standpoint. This point of the sales stage takes two weeks to accomplish. With the amount of resources required to complete this stage it's important to follow the steps to make sure this is an opportunity that should proceed through our sales stage.

Gather Data
- The first step of the process is to request the data be provided by the customer. Encourage the customer to provide usage reports or at least one (1) full month's spend. Incomplete data will cause delays in the process and require multiple contacts with the customer
Data Debrief with Customer
- After receiving the data from the customer, schedule a call with the customer to review the data and make sure you're understanding of the scope of the data provided. Questions you should ask the customer include:
- What is the date range of the data provided?
- What vendors data did you provide?
- Are there any unique items that you purchase that we should be aware of?
- Are there any items that you are sensitive to stock / pricing / brand?
- After receiving the data from the customer, schedule a call with the customer to review the data and make sure you're understanding of the scope of the data provided. Questions you should ask the customer include:
Data Validation
- Confirm that all requirements are met before proceeding. Please follow the links below to complete the data validation checklist:
Data Request Template
- Complete the Data Request Template and WorkZone submission process by using the steps outlined in these articles:
- If the data is not adequate or does not match your validation form, the project will be rejected and will have to be started over
- After the project is accepted, Engineering will schedule a pre-cost analysis meeting
Pre-Cost Analysis Meeting
- This meeting will involve discussing the following before engineering proceeds:
- Review Data Q&A
- Define Scope of Work
- Establish Goals
- Special Requests
- Determine Expected Completion Date
- Schedule Cost Analysis Debrief
- Engineering will schedule the debrief to occur after the cost analysis is complete
- This meeting will involve discussing the following before engineering proceeds:
Engineering Creates Cost Analysis
- Engineering will create a cost analysis with the data provided
- You can follow along with your request in WorkZone to see the status of your request
Cost Analysis Debrief
- Engineering will go through a debrief with you to discuss what data was discovered during the preparation of your cost analysis
- If you'd like any modifications made to your cost analysis, this will add additional time to complete your request
Present Data to Customer
- Watch this video on how to navigate the cost analysis template and what information to be conscious of disclosing to your prospect
- Continue on to the Proposal stage of the sales process to present your data